Experts dwell on Tobacco, Nicotine, and alcohol abuse especially amongst youth in Punjab
Experts dwell on Tobacco

Experts dwell on Tobacco, Nicotine, and alcohol abuse especially amongst youth in Punjab

Experts dwell on Tobacco, Nicotine, and alcohol abuse especially amongst youth in Punjab

Mohali 25th April 2022

Chandigarh College of Education organized an awareness and sensitization session on “Protecting Youth from tobacco and alcohol abuse” conducted in collaboration with the Strategic Institute for Public Health Education and Research (SIPHER) under seven days NSS Camp with the theme of channelizing youth toward Nation-building on 25th April 2022. Dr. Sneh Bansal, Principal, Chandigarh College of Education introduced the topic of discussion and exhaled all the students to work for a Tobacco, Alcohol, and drug-free society.

 Dr Rakesh Gupta, President and Director of Public Health, SIPHER deliberated upon the harmful effects of Alcohol on body and mind. He added that more than half of Punjabi men drink alcohol and the state also houses the highest proportion of children consuming psychoactive substances. The proportion of children hooked on alcohol in Punjab is thrice the national average.He said thatAlcoholism clinically referred to as AUD, is a common, chronic, and sometimes-progressive medical condition that involves the compulsive consumption of alcohol. Such maladaptive patterns of drinking can lead to several serious social, familial, and physical consequences. Fortunately, there are highly-effective and diverse alcoholism treatment programs available to people with mild-to-severe AUDs.

 Dr. Jaskiran Kaur Randhawa, State Nodal Officer National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP), Punjab dwelled on Tobacco/Nicotine abuse and informed that more than 26 Lakh Punjabis are addicted to Tobacco/Nicotine in any form. She added that tobacco is responsible for Cancer of the Oral cavity, tongue, stomach, and lungs, etc., Cardio-vascular diseases and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases [COPDs], Pregnancy complications, and Early aging and wrinkling of the skin in addition to other complications.She further said that to make people quit tobacco we must, ASK about tobacco use,advise quitting, ASSESS willingness to make a quit attempt,ASSIST in a quit attempt and ARRANGE for follow-up.

 Mr. Arun Verma, Director of Finance and operations, SIPHER, Chandigarh administered an Anti-Tobacco and Alcohol pledge to the participants and asked them to become “Tobacco Marshals” to create awareness amongst the masses.  Dr. Sneh Bansal concluded the session, with a promising note of creating awareness about protecting youth from Tobacco, and drug abuse.

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